Veterinary massage is a therapeutic modality that involves the manual manipulation of soft tissues in animals to promote relaxation, alleviate muscle tension, improve circulation, and enhance overall well-being. It is a non-invasive and holistic approach that can be used as a standalone therapy or as part of a comprehensive treatment plan in veterinary care.

therapeutic massage

An Australian cattle dog mix being massaged

Veterinary massage offers several potential benefits for animals. It can help reduce muscle tension, relieve pain and discomfort, improve range of motion, enhance blood and lymphatic circulation, promote relaxation and stress reduction, aid in rehabilitation and recovery from injuries, and contribute to the overall physical and emotional well-being of animals.

Veterinary massage can be beneficial for a range of conditions in animals. It is commonly used to support pain management and rehabilitation in animals with musculoskeletal issues such as arthritis, muscle strains, ligament sprains, or post-surgical recovery. It can also be applied to animals experiencing stress, anxiety, or behavioral problems. Additionally, it may aid in the management of conditions related to decreased mobility, circulatory problems, or overall wellness maintenance.

At The Doggy Gym we love to incorporate therapeutic massage in almost every session. We also love to teach owner's how to utilize these amazing techniques at home!